The importance of Good Design: What can Design do for me?

Design comes in many different forms: brand, graphic, interior, interaction / user experience, packaging, product, web, etc.

Successful companies value design and utilize it to create an advantage against their competition. An easy-to-use website, a logo that symbolizes the company making it memorable, or even a consumer-friendly designed package can bring in new consumers and retain loyal ones.

Good design also needs consistency. Are the colors for your logo reflected the same on your website, as well as business cards and other printed materials? A color shift can make consumers think that you’ve overlooked something. That might have them think you’ve overlooked something in your products or service.

As Charles Eames (American Designer) once said, “Eventually everything connects – people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.”

Connect your brand, product, service, website, etc. through thoughtful and deliberate design. Good design is more than just a marketing tool – it can tell your story.

If design is new to you, seek out a professional. All designers are passionate about their work and would love to go into detail on how good design can improve your business’s image and reach.

Posted on January 15, 2015 and filed under Importance of Good Design.